Gov. Island and Rock the Bells

hello governor’s island

lil bro’s first concert
Erykah Badu
Lower Manhattan
girl could move


Steve, my brother and I went to Rock the Bells on Governor’s Island yesterday.  For those of you who don’t know, Rock the Bells is an annual hip hop festival.  This year the performers included: Lauryn Hill, Nas, Erykah Badu, Ghostface & Raekwon, Mos Def, Mobb Deep and many, many more.  Overall the festival was a blast and it was my bro’s first concert (mine was to see Ricky Martin so I think it’s safe to say his first concert experience was way cooler).

Quick run down of some of the performances I saw:

-Erykah Badu was awesome and the best to boogie down to

-Mobb Deep did not disappoint and I was surprised to know more of their songs than I thought I knew…

-Lauryn Hill, unfortunately, seemed cracked out.  She kept repeating herself and rapped so quickly that some of her songs were barely recognizable…

-Raekwon & Ghostface were great: the energy around Wu-tang is always amazing. Annoyingly, half way through their performance they were muffled out by Nas on the main stage and since Ghost was the whole reason we were there in the first place it was pretty beat…but whatever, by bro got to meet Ghost, Rae, Gza and ODB’s son so I was excited for him…

It was also my first time on Governor’s Island!  The island was filled with thousands of hip hop fans drunk, doped, and dancing but still kept it’s charm. I definitely want to go back and experience the island a bit differently: bike riding and picnicking included.

Rock the Bells fashion pics to come…

Cheers to fashion, seeing the world and always having fun!

Miss Zias


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