For so long, curvy and or plus size women have been told to wear black, no prints and basically avoid any colors or patterns that draw attention to their bodies. Why? Because if you are a curvy or plus size woman why would you ever want to emphasize your figure??! If anything, you should try to make it look smaller, avoid attention, go to the gym and die. Omg haha, I just got so dramatic, and obviously, I am kidding. But the truth is, those style “rules” did exist.
But I ask, “aren’t rules mean to be broken?!”
You should wear what makes you happy and what makes you feel confident. If you want to wear bright neon colors, go for it. If you want to wear a full head to toe printed look, I say WHY NOT.

Last week I hosted a style segment for KTLA on Celebrity Style. The segment was emulating celebrity looks for every size and budget. You can check out the post and segment here. For one of the looks I styled my friend Christine in this head to toe snake skin look that emulated a Kim Kardashian outfit. I loveddddddddd the way it looked on Christine! She is so petite and curvy and just slayed slayed slayed in it!! Later on that day I came home and saw I had the same look in larger sizes and decided to try it on.

I was hesitant because it’s a whole lotta look but I figured the only person there to judge me was my dog, so why not. I ended up loving the look on me and couldn’t believe how confident I felt in a figure-hugging, head to toe, snakeskin outfit.

I asked Christine to come over last night and pose with me in our snakeskin looks because I wanted to show you all that size does not matter. It’s all about confidence and how you feel!

For reference, Christine is wearing a size XS in the top and size 27 jeans and I am wearing
For our exact snakeskin looks, head here!
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