IDK why this pregnancy update has been so hard for me to share. I guess part of it because I am just EMOTIONAL AF. Literally writing these words with tears in my eyes. They just don’t stop! Sometimes I feel like I am crying for no reason but I literally just can’t help the tears, lol I guess it’s just my current form of communication! ARIES PROBLEMS.
Pregnancy is just so amazing and I am so thankful for this journey, but it’s also scary, weird, difficult, and filled with so many unknowns. I know so many women struggle with conceiving and other’s struggle throughout their entire pregnancy journey (you can read about our road to conceiving HERE) so I have been super self-aware and cautious not wanting to share too much to avoid hurting anyone, making my problems seem bigger than other’s, etc, but honestly, that’s kind of just hurting me instead so here’s what’s been going on.

Pregnancy Update
Besides insane morning sickness and you know, the random projectile vomit around the neighborhood, everything seemed to be going great with my pregnancy until my 20-week ultrasound. This is the appointment where the doctor was *2 hours* late, as I’m sure you remember. Anyways, this ultrasound is incredibly detailed because they measure all the organs of the baby to make sure it’s growing properly and there are no complications. At the end of the appointment, my doctor said, “everything looks good, except we have 1 “minor” complication. My heart sank.
So it turns out that I have SUA, also known as Single Umbilical Artery. The umbilical cord which is the life supply between the mom and the baby is supposed to have 1 vein and 2 arteries. The vein carries oxygen and nutrients to the baby and the arteries remove waste. SUA affects 1% of pregnant women, and of course, I am in that 1%. So most pregnancies/babies with SUA are totally fine, but, sometimes SUA is also linked to other genetical anomalies and chromosome disorders. There is also a major concern that babies with SUA will not grow properly resulting in early birth so the baby grows outside of the womb. There are also concerns for birth defects like kidney problems, heart defects, spine defects, etc. All things you don’t really want to hear, ya know. We did all of our bloodwork and testing and everything came back negative so we weren’t AS concerned about genetic disorders but the doctor was concerned about the baby’s heart so I had to go for a fetal echocardiogram where they do a very long and detailed scan of the baby’s heart.
I’d be lying if I didn’t tell you this appointment crushed me. crushed me. For those of you that don’t know, I have a pacemaker and had spent my early 20s at heart doctors across the county. I had 3 pacemakers put in within 5 years. My pacemaker has nothing to do with the baby, btw, just some added emotional drama for me. When I was sitting there in the hospital, waiting to get my babies’ heart checked out it was very emotional. I felt so bad for these little kids in there, they should not have to suffer! It was a combo of reliving years of difficult hospital visits for myself, feeling awful for these little kids I was in the waiting room with, and an overwhelming concern for my child. My heart was broken. Luckily, everything seemed to be fine.
The very stressful part is that there are so many unknowns and unfortunately it’s very difficult to see the baby. The doctor says, “he is very camera shy,” which I know is supposed to humor me but annoys me every time. Also, my overall body type and “thickness” paired with the placement of my placenta make it all very difficult to see the baby and get all the proper measurements. My appointments take hours and they still can’t get all the readings. It’s not very comforting when you hear, “we think everything looks good, but we can’t get an accurate measure of ______.”
Right now I have to be monitored very closely so I am going to the doctors every 2 weeks switching off between my OBGYN and then the specialist doctor that does all of the detailed ultrasounds. In a few weeks, I will also start having to go to the hospital twice a week for stress tests. I am very thankful that I have great care and am just trying to stay super positive that everything will be fine. I am finally starting to gain weight and the baby is growing so I am just doing my best to give him all the best nutrients, lay on my side, and remain as *CHILL* as possible. There really isn’t much out there about SUA which makes it even more confusing so if any of you have been through this, please let me know. Would love to hear your stories.
Thanks for allowing me to share my story and for your support. I feel like my baby is going to have so many virtual aunts/moms/BFFs and that makes me so happy to think about! <3 Lol crying again (happy tears tho, promise)! Also, if you have any pregnancy questions, let me know in the comments below! Will write a post answering them.
xoxo Kristina
Oh sweetie, I’m there right with you! I was pregnant a year ago and just like yours, there were “complications”. With “mine” it was heart and kidneys.. The two abnormalities was a sign of a baby with Down’s syndrome and the doctor kept calling it a “problem”. Every time I left the doctors office I was in tears. From not sleeping, to worrying all the time and being uncomfortable in general, I was a mess.. Our little babes arrived 5 weeks early, healthy and perfect. Not going to tell you “don’t worry”, because that’s not realistic. Just continue to look forward and keep yourself busy with things that you love.
Hi, Lo! Thank you so much for sharing your stories. Totally relate to your fears and tears. So happy your baby arrived healthy and perfect. Sending you lots of love!
This is very brave of you to share your story. I am so sorry about this complication with your sweet baby and I will pray for you all. I had a different but equally scary complications my first pregnancy. I was diagnosed with preeclampsia and bedridden for more than 5 months and still ended up with Toxemia. We had to constantly go in for tests and it was incredibly hard to stay down. Ended up having to schedule a C-section as it was just getting to stressful for baby. I was worried I’m not going to lie. I blew up like a balloon and had to wear my husband flip flops! But my baby was healthy and we got through it together! You are truly blessed with an amazing man, family and friends supporting you and you’re doing all the right things! Stay safe and keep your heart full of all you treasure. I am glad to support you even tho we have never met I love your account because you are putting yourself out there for the world. I typically don’t get personal on social but am making an exception because I want to help if I can. Follow the Drs orders and be careful when you go out COVID is still out there! All the best, Kathryn
Love you Kristina. My little cousin is going to be perfectly perfect ?? You’re doing a great job mamma. Best thing you can do is stay calm like you’re doing.
Thank you, Adrienne! We love you!
Hello, I’m from Costa Rica. I want that you know I will praying for you, Steve and your baby. I really believe in the power of pray.
Thank you, Hannia. Love Costa Rica so much! much love.
Sending positive vibes, little baby will be ok. All will be ok and can’t wait to see all of the adorable new family pictures you’ll be posting ❤️❤️❤️
Thank you so much, Mayra. xoxox
You are an amazing lady, such a lucky little boy. Thank you for sharing your world, both good and bad. Take care and keep crying when you need to, it’s good for the soul.
Thank you, Natalie. so much love to you <3
I’m sooo sorry you have to worry about your baby. My first was born 2 month early and it was so scary not knowing what was going to happen. But God comes thru. You are a loving, kind, and good person and God will not forget that. He will protect you and the baby. I know the uncertainty is so hard.. I will pray that you have a healthy baby! Denise….another Jersey Girl! Xoxo
Thank you, Denise. Much love from this Jersey girl, haha. xoxox
Hi Kristina,
I have never been pregnant, so I have no stories, but I will certainly be thinking about and praying for you. Your attitude is infectious. Stay safe.
Thank you, Katie. <3 <3
Hi! Thank you for sharing. It’s brave and personal but hopefully you get some comfort in knowing you’re not alone.
My sister’s two children were born with one artery umbilical cords. In both cases, they weren’t caught in the ultrasounds so she didn’t know. Both babies were born smaller than they would have liked, but have thrived with no complications. They’re now 5 & 3 and they’re the light of our lives ✨
Sending you lots of prayers and good vibes for the last bit of your pregnancy ?
Hi Sarah, thank you so much for sharing. Lots of love to you and your family. xoxox
Sweety, I’m so sorry you’re having a challenging time of it. No sense in saying “don’t worry”cuz that comes with being a Mom. Hold on to Steve. Cry when you want to. I know it’s hard to let go of the fear and trauma. I had open heart surgery at age 15. I went on to have two girls. (Lucky they did not inherit my condition). Every pregnancy is a roll of the dice. I will ask Saint Rita to watch over your family. Bless you all.
Thank you so much, Robbi. <3
Sending love!!!
Thank you, Briana. <3
Please know that you have all the support I have to give! I’m so glad to hear everything appears to be good and hope that continues!
Take care of you both!
Thank you, Monica. Lots of love! K
Awe, how very, very scary. I applaud your sharing and transparency and believe that God will work through “your” people to give you peace and reassurance. I have never been more terrified than during my pregnancies because I had never been so in love before and the responsibility that you feel toward your child is indescribable until you experience it. Take care of yourself and that little man and I will be praying for an uneventful remainder of your pregnancy and your son. Breathe—God’s got this.
Thank you so much, Dawn. xoxo
Just wanted to pop in and say when I was pregnant with my daughter she was also diagnosed with SUA, I will never forget that phone call from my doctors office that evening.
We rushed 3 hours away to the specialist and did all of the testing possible. We were told everything looked good and seemed to be functioning normal. What an absolute relief. During the second half of my pregnancy my belly did not measure the way they like it too. We always measured really small and this made me worried she was not growing properly. I had many bonus scans which all led to look good as well, this gave us some sense of relief.
…Well 11 days late our little girl arrived and she was the most beautiful healthy little baby. I’m happy to tell you now she is 5 years old and still perfect.
sending positive vibes/prayers to your family as I can resonate with this sense of fear and unknown.
Take care
Hi Toni,
Thank you so much for your message. I have never heard of SUA before my pregnancy so I take comfort in reading your story. So happy for you and your beautiful healthy baby girl. Lot’s of love! Kristina
Oh, Kristina!! My heart goes with you!!
I guess the bright side of this, camera shy and all, you get sooo many more opportunities to try and see your little guy. So many pregnancies are two ultrasounds and that’s it. Hopefully, you can look at it as every chance you get to see him in some form you can stare some extra positivity his way!!!
Love this outlook! Thank you, Elizabeth <3
Your story was shared by Birds Papaya, so that’s how I came across this post!
I just wanted to say that I 100% know how you feel; my last baby had (as my midwives and OB called it) a two vessel cord. The most common abnormality, I believed they called it. I had the good fortune of seeing a paediatric cardiologist while pregnant (my middle child has a heart murmur and was there for a routine check up), and after a scan, she assured me all was well, and explained that the single artery will often expand and pick up the slack of the missing artery. I was so relieved to hear that, my OB was pretty doom and gloom ?
Two vessel cord baby was a successful home birth with zero complications and was a robust 8 and a half pounds, just like her siblings.
I wish you all the best with your pregnancy and beyond!! I’m not sure how comforting the story of a stranger’s experience can be, but I suppose I would have appreciated it all those years ago. Take care!
Hi Anne,
Thank you so much for your message! I really appreciate you sharing your story <3 Sending you lots of love!
I am sorry that you’re going through this but you’re very strong and blessed with a wonderful husband who gets you three kinds of apple pie, family, friends and lots of fans. I don’t typically share personal information on social but I had a scary complication with my first pregnancy. I was bedridden for almost 5 months! It was the hardest thing for me to do. We had to be very careful and although it was challenging we all came through together. Stay safe, follow your heart and be happy! Count me in as another virtual auntie! All my best! Say him to your Stevie for me.???
It’s very brave of you to share your story with everyone. I am sorry you’re going through this. I had very serious complications during my first pregnancy and was bedridden for almost 5 months. You are strong and brave and you will get to thorough with the love and support of your Stevie, family, friend hundreds of fans and aunties. Stay safe and be well!